Products / Beam welding line / Horizontal solutions

HFI – Horizontal Fully Integrated

Combined line for horizontal welding of straight, conical and shaped beams.

Beam welding lineHorizontal solutions

HFI – Horizontal Fully Integrated

The HFI horizontal welding line is the combined engineering solution for the production of H-beams with variable shape and inertia, double-tapered beams and K-shaped beams. The line consists of the manipulator (CB – Column & Boom) with double welding heads, assembly jig (HAJ – Hydraulic Assembling Jig), 180 ° rotators and the horizontal straightening machine (BSM – Beam Straightening Machine). The solution makes this line one of the most used in the field of PEB and one-side welding applications.



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Installation and after-sales service

In Corimpex we produce high-quality accessories and we provide an efficient after-sale service, which confirm the reliability of a Made In Italy company, world leader in the industry segment.